About Audiozen

Awareness changes things

Nino Pistone founded Audiozen in 2008: it starts as when you start to make something, you have a new path ahead of you, you are not yet fully aware of it, but you just want to give your best.

High fidelity, the great desire for “justice” toward better music reproduction and thus toward those who play it, toward musicians, is almost in the founder’s DNA.

And since that cold November of 2008 we have never stopped: we invest significant amounts of time and resources in the research and development of innovative creations to give you maximum pleasure, to give you emotions, when you listen to music.

Audiozen’s creations take the best solutions from the audio technologies of the past (strictly NOS thermionic signal tubes, quasi-complementary symmetry output stages, etc.) along with the latest available innovations (Si-C mosfets, enjoyment meters, toroidal transformers, etc.): the many gratifying feedbacks received from enthusiasts all over the world are proof that these efforts are spent in the right way.

Environment for Audiozen is a priority using cabinets with suitable sizes and equipping products with small current demanding semiconductors, all of that just to avoid environmental issues.

Audiozen is a team, not just people working together, but a group of people who trust each other.

During this time we have gained more and more awareness, which continuously spurs us to listen to visions and advice and to implement innovations and improvements, sometimes even with courageous field choices, because only awareness changes things.

Good listening

Nino Pistone, Audiozen’ founder and designer, along with Mono, the first power amp equipped with silicon carbide (Si-C) Mosfets, and Insight, the reference tube preamplifier.
Mono was introduced in 2019 and is now discontinued, replaced by the innovative and charismatic Yin & Yang; Insight is still available.

L'accoppiata Insight e P-Stone ti riconcilia col mondo dell'high-end. Macchine costruite con cura certosina, non tolgono o aggiungono nulla alle registrazioni. Il basso eletrico è asciutto, potente, controllato, non sbava assolutamente. Le voci sono piene di tutte le sfumature incise sul disco. I fiati, ti accarezzano quando devono (chet Baker ti si materializza davanti, con eleganza), ma sanno anche graffiarti. La dinamica ti sorprende, i pienissimo e i fortissimo vengono riprodotti senza che sia necessario muovere la manopola del volume, che già ad un quarto della sua corsa ti riempie l'ambiente d'ascolto. Grazie Audiozen
Everything that I have from Audiozen is sounding spectacular. The combination of the Insight and P-Stone has made my speakers sound amazing. I cannot say enough good things about what you have built! Audiozen is truly a gem in my music system.
Il risultato della combinazione dell'Insight con il resto del mio set up mi rende felicissimo. E poter avere un po’ d’italianità nell'impianto lo fa ancora più speciale!
I received your work of art (Audiozen Embrace hugging amplifier) I just set it up and my god it was such a wonderful expression of music in my life for once I felt truly embraced. Congratulation on producing such a jewel!
Ho scelto il preamplificatore Tredici per l'ottima componentistica impiegata e le dimensioni compatte. L'ho acquistato a scatola chiusa e le prime impressioni sono state ottime, oltre le aspettative. Il piacere di ascoltare musica jazz, la mia preferita, è rinato!
Sono arcicontento dell'Embrace. Un deciso passo avanti a livello estetico e a livello sonico rispetto all'Alchemy. Ho riscontrato più dolcezza ed una dinamica maggiore. Sembra che l'energia da spendere non abbia limiti! Molto, molto, molto soddisfatto. Audiozen ha fatto pienamente centro!!!
Il Neuphono mi ha fatto riscoprire il piacere di ascoltare la collezione dei miei dischi in vinile. Insieme al giradischi Massimo di Audiozen si raggiungono vette inaspettate. Complimenti Audiozen!
My new Embrace sounds amazing! Your workmanship is 1st class and I commend you and your team.
Finalmente un pre phono che rende giustizia al vinile, con livelli di guadagno e dinamica paragonabili a quelli delle moderne sorgenti digitali. Entusiasta.
Il mio giradischi Garrard prima suonava, ora incanta!!! Non ho parole se non un grazie infinito.

Audiozen Members Club

Audiozen Yin - Yang specular design

Audiozen is the first manufacturer in high fidelity and high-end world that makes available the Telegram group – Audiozen Members Club – to ALL of you, where you can ask opinions and feedback to those who already own our products.

The Club is unique in its kind because it was created and officially managed by Audiozen, with the spirit of innovation in the communication between owners and fans of Audiozen creations.

The Club is therefore bivalent, as possible suggestions about updates or improvements can be submitted by the Members to Audiozen at any time.